The New Era of Currency: Introducing The New King Charles Banknotes and Coins!

In the vibrant realm of numismatics, a new chapter has just been written. With the recent introduction of King Charles banknotes and coins, the United Kingdom is witnessing a monumental shift in its monetary landscape. This change not only celebrates a new monarch but also signifies a modern evolution in our currency system. As collectors …

6 key tactics to sell effectively on Amazon

You may be interested in selling on Amazon to increase sales or to start your own business. With over 100 million people making a purchase on Amazon every month you’ve come to the right place. Amazon is one of the few online platforms in the world that can offer businesses a huge built-in customer base. …

7 key tactics to help you research and sell effectively on eBay

Using the right tactics on eBay can make you a great deal of money. With an estimated 6 billion pounds worth of sales processed each year, eBay is an online platform you should be taking advantage of. Theres no doubt eBay can offer benefits that you can’t gain from your own website or store. Let …

Cash handling policies and procedures with a policy example.

Despite advances in card technology, private individuals still choose to pay by coins and banknotes for 52% of their transactions (Source: Payment Council) and with polymer banknotes and the new £1 coin coming out in the near future, cash is still very much in the game. However is the way you handle your cash losing …

Why you need an eCommerce website and what it takes to build one.

This article outlines the importance of owning an e-commerce website and the key factors involved in building one. I find small businesses need a simple guide on how to build an e-commerce website without going into the technical aspects they don’t understand. Simply put, an e-commerce website is an online platform that buys or sells …

Cash versus card payments

It is common knowledge that in recent years card and electronic payments have become more prevalent. The question is, what are the benefits and pitfalls of cash and card. Knowledge is power. To make informed decisions about your payment processes is a key step in streamlining your business and finding the most cost effective solution …

The real truth behind finding a viable business idea.

Have you got the motivation but haven’t got the idea? Have you tried to execute an idea but it just seems to fizzle into nothing or make a measly profit? Do people give you business advice and supposedly smart ideas but they never have any real substance? Welcome to one of the most frustrating times …

Learn your own way. The most underrated key to success.

Are you regularly influenced by others opinions? Do you read business advice and self-help? If so, you’re in the majority. But ask yourself honestly, have other opinions made a significant positive impact on your success? If there’s so much good advice out there that works, why is it 99% of people still fail? Why is …

Starting a brick & mortar business. The things they don’t tell you

Starting a business can be the key to your dream life or be the bane of your life. Do it right and you can achieve wealth, success and freedom. Do it wrong and you could end up owing people, losing your social life and being the failure you don’t want to be. Having gained a …